$0.00 ($0.00 + tax)
Instructor: Kavi Singh
Date: Saturday Nov 2
Time: 1600-1700
Cost: FREE
Type: Virtual and In-Person
SAR services in Canada and abroad are provided by multiple entities: Military, Professional SAR, Volunteer SAR, Coast Guard, Police. SAR encompasses a wide range of environments: Marine, Ground, Alpine, Fresh Water, Winter, Summer.
Each entity develops expertise according to staffing, work environment, jurisdiction, types of calls and training paradigms. While each group has unique parameters, there are some common issues that arise – search strategy; medical management of cases (trauma, other); medevac equipment & procedures. At the moment, there appears to be little cross communication to share best practices and knowledge sharing. CAWM is positioned to be a point of connection and cross communication amongst these entities if there is adequate interest.
Instructor: Kavi Singh
Date: Saturday Nov 2
Time: 1600-1700
Cost: FREE
Type: Virtual and In-Person
No registration required, you may attend this workshop on Saturday November 2, 2024 in-person in the main plenary session or digitally from the CAWM2024 page.
SAR services in Canada and abroad are provided by multiple entities: Military, Professional SAR, Volunteer SAR, Coast Guard, Police. SAR encompasses a wide range of environments: Marine, Ground, Alpine, Fresh Water, Winter, Summer.
Each entity develops expertise according to staffing, work environment, jurisdiction, types of calls and training paradigms. While each group has unique parameters, there are some common issues that arise – search strategy; medical management of cases (trauma, other); medevac equipment & procedures. At the moment, there appears to be little cross communication to share best practices and knowledge sharing. CAWM is positioned to be a point of connection and cross communication amongst these entities if there is adequate interest.
Learning Objectives
At the end of this session, participants will be able to:
- Summarize the organization of SAR services in Canada
- Identify the common similarities and practices encountered in SAR work
- Evaluate the feasibility & benefits of a communication network amongst SAR entities for best practices