All CAWM members are automatically registered to attend this event, and all attendees will be entered in a draw to win a free CAWM t-shirt!
Time and Date: Thursday September 29th, 1800MST
Members can access the meeting here:
This meeting will also be your opportunity to meet our new employee, Dave de Lugt who is fulfilling the position of Program Director! Now’s your chance to get to know Dave and let him know how he can help maximize the benefits of your membership with CAWM.
All CAWM members are invited to attend a virtual Special General Meeting on Thursday September 29th, 2022 at 1800 MST to review changes being proposed to the CAWM By-Laws. The CAWM Board of Directors is recommending that the Membership adopt a new version of the By-Laws which will include a number of changes including; increasing the size of the Board of Directors, extending the term length of positions on the Board of Directors, and introducing term limits for both Board members and Officers.
All the changes being recommended are presented in the attached copies of the By-Laws (both “tracked changes” and “clean” versions of the By-Laws are attached). See also the attached Summary which describes all the significant changes, and the rationale for making them. The current version of the By-Laws is available on the CAWM website here.
If you have any questions about these recommended changes to the By-Laws, please contact the CAWM President Dave Jerome at
Do you know someone who ought to be recognized for their contributions to wilderness medicine? Check out our Honours & Awards page for more information on how to nominate a deserving person for one of our five awards! All submissions are due prior to October 1, 2022.