Canadian Association of Wilderness Medicine
The 5th Annual CAWM Conference - Trailblazing Canadian Wilderness Medicine - November 1-3, Halifax Convention Centre, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Lecture videos appear here for those who have registered for the conference.
Register Now

Trailblazing Canadian Wilderness Medicine
3 Full Days
Canadian Content
CME/FAWM Credits


Keynote Speaker
Dr. TA Loeffler, PhD

CAWM2024 took place from November 1-3rd 2024 in Halifax, Nova Scotia at the Halifax Convention Centre and virtually as a hybrid format.

The conference included lectures from both faculty and students, a keynote speaker, in-person and hybrid workshops, panel discussions, and social events! Topics covered  included dive medicine, heat illnesses, drowning, MCI's, wilderness/environmental toxicology, search and rescue, advanced trauma, resuscitation, point of care ultrasound, and more! 

Pre-conference workshops took place from October 30-31. The conference was presented in-person and virtually in English.

Sponsor CAWM 2024

An incredible opportunity to market your brand to a diverse group of wilderness medicine professionals and recreationists. Three levels of sponsorship exist with networking and branding opportunities available.
Sponsorship Details

CAWM Honours and Awards

Do you know someone who has contributed exceptional work or provided care in the field of wilderness medicine? Nominate them for an award!

Awards will be handed out at CAWM2024 in Halifax, NS on November 2nd.

Click the link below for details about available awards and how to submit a nomination.


CAWM2024 Carpool/Room Share for students and residents

Are you a student or resident looking to save some money while attending CAWM2024? Use the spreadsheet below to find like-minded students or trainees interested in carpooling or room sharing in Halifax!

**Please note: by completing the form, you agree to have your email and/or phone number visible to any others who view the form**

Ride/Room share