Interest Groups
Co-Chairs: Rayna Sharma and Scott Bell
The CAWM Medical Learners Interest Group (MLIG) is composed of medical students and residents across Canada with varying interests in the field of wilderness medicine. The group aims to introduce learners within the community of medicine to the field of wilderness medicine and connect interested students with further learning opportunities. The four pillars of focus for the MLIG include research, mentorship, education and professional development opportunities including electives across Canada.
Chair: Svea Brousseau
The Wilderness Nursing Interest Group at CAWM seeks to explore nursing practice issues in remote and wilderness settings, provide education, outreach, and support. Additionally we aim to connect nurses, students, and other interested providers or groups working in those settings.
Paramedic Interest Group
Chair: Matthew Smith
The CAWM paramedic interest group aims to explore the field of paramedicine and prehospital medicine in remote and austere environments. The group will discuss education opportunities, advances in the field, training opportunities, safety and risk mitigation, and promotional ideas.
Military Medicine Interest Group
Chair: Kate Curtis
The Military Medicine Interest Group aims to increase Civilian-Military Cooperation (CIMIC) relationships, and further develop interagency cooperation and capability understanding.